Hooray for Boyan Slat!!
This young man has invented a machine to clean up the oceans.
He's only 19, would you believe? What a legend, as we say here in Australia. You've got to start somewhere. Will be keeping an eye on this and seeing how it goes... I don't want to sound cynical, but I've had that feeling before (see previous post). Great, it's solved. Now we can all use plastic guilt-free. If it's profitable to clean it up, as he claims, wouldn't that be a boon for the plastics companies? Let's litter even more? It's all fixed now (as some people seem to feel about recycling). But what about all the toxins plastics are putting into our bodies? What about the teensy tiny bits of lint coming from our washing machines that are too small for his g force to extract?
Like I say, I don't want to be a cynic... I just remain a bit guarded.
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