Where is the plantic?

Worldbeater...Plantic's chocolate tray packaging.
Plantic ... why isn't it everywhere?
Do you remember this news from over ten years ago?... scientists had invented an organic, biodegradeable plastic. And here's a story from 1998, 15 years ago, Fast food to come in eco-friendly packages for next millennium, exclaimed the ABC. Oh, really? Not in my town... nor my shire... nor my state. Dirty, old-skool plastic everywhere here still.

But what a sense of relief I felt back then ...Yay!... "They" were going to start making chockie bikkie trays and things like that from this stuff. It was huge. It was exciting. It was a victory... It never happened. So... what  happened??

Well, it has to be the economics of it, doesn't it?

A quick Google search and I discover a firm called Plantic doing it, making chockie trays for Marks & Sparks no less. But it's all a bit tokenistic isn't it. That story was from three years ago. We have the technology. So why isn't it everywhere. Now? By law?


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